Artemis Undertale

Carbuncle Enthusiast

Hailing from a deep Gridanian forest tribe, Artemis left her tribe behind in pursuit of her beloved carbuncles after a faithful encounter with a lost arcanist. Though the Arcanist Guild only accepts the best and the brightest to join their ranks, sometimes- exceptions are made.


Artemis was born into a tribe in the deep Gridanian forests, living there for dozens of years. While growing up, she would eventually join her tribe's hunting party- but not for long. Though she knew her way around a bow, a poor shot struck a fellow Viera in the shoulder. While it wasn't lethal by any means, it was cause to forbid her from any more hunting activities.

Following her ban from hunting, she turned to gathering instead. This too, however, would prove to be a poor venture. One year she helped herself to the entire harvest's worth of strawberries herself and thus, she was stripped of gathering duties as well. So, to prove herself to be useful to some degree, she though she'd entertain the children of the tribe.

Artemis would craft stories, weaving tales between fact and fiction to capture the hearts and minds of the younglings circled around campfires. This was her calling, it seemed, since no ill tidings came of simply telling stories. Her nickname, "Undertale", would even play on this- seeing as whenever she got startled as a child, she would jump and race to her mother to grab her leg and hide under her tail. For years though, she would tell her stories, ensuring there was never a dull night for the youth of the tribe. Until one faithful encounter...


Age: 143 (Appearance of mid-20's)Height: 6'3"Profession: Adventurer/Florist during times of peaceAlignment: Neutral GoodSexuality: LesbianCompanion: Bortus, the Emerald CarbuncleSpeech: Bright and bubbly; very excited for the most partScent: Smells of strawberries and hodgepodge of floral scents

Quick Points/Hooks

-Socially Awkward:Artemis is still adjusting to living in society as a whole after leaving her tribe, so she might not understand certain nuance in conversation or interactions. Y/C might be curious about her mannerisms/Viera as a whole.-Carbuncles are friends, not weapons: Hates to have Bortus in combat, and will try to do her best without his aid if she can help it. Additionally, has an incredibly soft spot for carbuncles in general. Does Y/C have a carbuncle? It would be an easy ice breaker for her!-Blundering Bortus: Her carbuncle is a known mischievous troublemaker. Is he bothering Y/C? (She's so sorry for him in advance).-Peaked into the Void: Has recently delved into dark magic studies to further protect herself without the need of her carbuncles. Maybe Y/C is curious about the juxtaposition between herself and other Black Mages.-Free Flowers: Runs a flower stand in her free time, picking and arranging the bouquets with the help of her friend, Watah M'leon; tends to hand out flowers regularly. Maybe Y/C would like one?-Two left feet: Generally the clumsy type, but very well intentioned.-Hard Headed Helper: Doesn't take failure well, and will stop at nothing to help anyone in need. Would help Y/C without question, provided the situation is morally correct.-Found Family: Despite years having past since leaving her tribe, it's still a sore spot for her, so she holds any friends she makes near and dear to her heart and is terrified of anything happening to them/losing them.-Aetherically inclined: After studying both arcane and black magic, Artemis has found that she's naturally gifted/sensitive with anything to do with Aether, but tends not to use it destructively if she can help it. Y/C might want a layman's explanation of it all, since she's not a very 'by the books' mage in general.-Pacifist Run: Does not enjoy conflict in any sense, be it physical or otherwise, and will try to resolve any that comes up by non-violent means. However, she will not roll over should push come to shove.-Khloe's Best Friend: Absolutely adores Zhloe's orphanage and will frequent it to tell stories to the children, just like how she did in her tribe.


Thank you for taking the time to read though my carrd!While Artemis may have started as a joke character when I first started playing, she's become near and dear to my heart, so I made her name work lorewise once I delved into RPing, as Viera are able to chose their own upon leaving their tribe.I'm much more comfortable with OOC approaches than IC ones, just for the sake of working out details of an RP before hand, though feel free to WU/T anytime!Lore bending is more than okay with me! Especially since I've done a touch of it myself, if nothing more than to make Viera lore more interesting and Artemis work as a whole.Please keep in mind that should I be playing Artemis at a club or venue, she is not completely canon/in proper character in such settings and should not be taken as such.Absolutely no bigotry will be tolerated in or out of character. While I understand not all characters are good people, it is not something I feel comfortable around, roleplaying or otherwise.